简介:英文名: Liu Chai Ghost Story豪君、牡丹郎才女貌,但豪君家中富有,故经常与红绣鬼混,红绣看中豪君家财,思取代牡丹位置。绣勾搭玄真道长,对牡丹施法,牡丹却得了尘法师相助,逃过大难,红绣一计不成,又从玄真处取来毒-,让牡丹服下,牡丹-发面目溃烂而死,两人并用宝玉塞入牡丹口中,镇其魂魄,但宝玉被贼偷去,牡丹灵魂得救,在了尘的协助下,与玄真斗法
简介:Emmanuelle withdraws into a temple in Tibet, where she wants to find to her true self. She's given a mystic substance which will give her youth and allow her to enter the souls of other women. Now she sets out and searches her true love Mario from 20 years ago. When he sees young Emmanuelle, he doesn't believe it's really her, but she retells all the juicy details of her past to prove it to him.
简介:又叫: Erotic Passion / Yan long yap sat一天,冼齐无意中救了公司大亨丁志雄一命,丁志雄所以延聘他为保镳。丁志雄的妹妹阿碧对冼齐一见锺情,可是,阿碧的男朋友头马却处处对于冼齐,更描述栽赃他,幸亏得到丁太太阿丝的协助,冼齐才能脱险。其实冼齐心中早己被丁太太的温顺大方所摄服,心生爱意。 在一次寻欢中,丁志雄认识了貌美的欣欣,可是,他万万想不到她就是元双的表妹,还差点儿没命。本来元双的爸爸元大文是丁志雄的生意同伴,当年被丁志雄出卖,害得家破人亡,所以元双才四出追杀他。冼齐由于放走了欣欣,被丁志雄打个半死,最终和阿丝一同逃走